Responsive sleep education for Health visiting / School nursing / 0-19 team / Perinatal nursing teams


Sleep is a huge topic of concern for families, and can be complex and emotive to address. Many public health nurses and

skill-mix teams have limited sleep education, which leaves them feeling under-confident when families request advice or support. Lyndsey can deliver 1-day training to your team in person or online.

Lyndsey is a paediatric nurse, health visitor, IBCLC, researcher and experienced international speaker and uses a variety of interactive methods to ensure your team is engaged, interested and equipped with actionable new information and skills.


“Lyndsey’s webinar was incredibly engaging and informative. She developed a natural connection with the audience and shared her expertise in a way that left learners feeling energized and more passionate about their work.” 

Jill Swanson
Education Coordinator, Lamaze International


This 1-day training will support your 0-19 teams with the skills to:

  • Support families one-to-one with sleep challenges
  • Develop more complex packages of care with vulnerable families
  • Establish sleep clinics
  • Address common concerns in child health clinics or routine reviews
  • Know when to refer to other practitioners
  • Support families responsively with sleep without non-responsive, behavioural based techniques such as controlled crying, pick up put down, or the disappearing chair
  • Be able to support families with sleep using evidence-based information that will not contradict responsive feeding or attachment-focused strategies


Example itinerary:

1 day training (9am-5pm) for 0-19 teams

(exact content can be tailored to your team):


9am: Introduction, welcome and the context of sleep training (15 mins)

Attachment and sleep

How sleep changes with age (for school nursing teams)

9.30: Sleep biology (how sleep works) (1 hour)

10.30: Short break (15 mins)

10.45: Sleep myths and how to challenge them (1 hour)

11.45: Red flags (45 mins)

12.30: Lunch (30 mins)

1pm: Sleep assessments and using sleep diaries with clients (40 mins)

1.45: Common sleep concerns and how to address them (2 hours)

  1. Where to start
  2. Naps
  3. Night time sleep challenges
  4. Quick wins and scaling the urgency with families

2.45: Short break (15 mins)

  1. Sleep strategies
  2. Toddlers and preschoolers
  3. Night feeds (breastfeeding and bottle feeding)

2.45:  For school nursing teams we cover:

How to choose a sleep tool for older children

Working with children with illness, neurodivergence and disability

4.00: Case studies (45 min)

4.45: Questions (15 mins)


Suitable for health visitors, school nurses, community staff nurses, nursery nurses, GPs, infant feeding leads, perinatal nursing teams, Family nurse partnership nurses, peer supporters, Homestart volunteers and anyone working with young children and families.


Learning objectives:

  • Understand how to confidently challenge sleep myths in order to empower families
  • Develop knowledge of sleep across the lifespan
  • Enable families to make informed decisions about safe sleep and bedsharing
  • Be able to explain the key principles of sleep biology in order to optimise sleep without sleep training
  • Learn the sleep red flags that indicate further assessment or referral is required
  • Develop confidence choosing and using a wide range of creative, responsive sleep solutions
  • Understand how to develop a sleep assessment and use this to guide a family towards responsive sleep solutions
  • Feel confident with addressing a range of common sleep challenges (nap and bedtime struggles, frequent waking, early rising and unsustainable sleep patterns)
  • Understand the importance and implication of earlier attachment on children’s later sleep behaviour and self-confidence
  • Develop insight into how sleep challenges present at different ages, and how to choose a sleep tool


Fees per day: 

All training includes activities, case studies and a PDF handout.


Booking process:

To proceed with booking:

  1. Email to discuss your organisation’s specific needs and discuss timescale
  2. Lyndsey will confirm costs, agenda, date and any additional details
  3. Lyndsey’s admin team will organise finances through your trust’s procurement/financial team
  4. Payment will need to be made before the teaching date
  5. Lyndsey will send PDF handouts prior to teaching
  6. Lyndsey will arrange Zoom links for you to distribute to attendees