Lyndsey is the author of Holistic Sleep Coaching, aimed at health, lactation, sleep and childcare professionals. Her second book, Let’s talk about your new family’s sleep, was written for parents. Her third book, Still Awake, covers toddler and older children’s sleep. Breastfeeding the Brave aims to support health and lactation advocates with the unique feeding challenges of sick children in paediatrics. The Writing Book was co-authored with Amy Brown and seeks to support aspiring and improving writers. Why Childhood Illness Matters , is an encouraging, supportive and practical book that discusses many aspects of paediatric illness including sleep, mental health, family centred care, chronic, complex and palliative illness, and the support needs of families.
Lyndsey has a PhD in public health, and has published several articles. She is currently involved in several research studies and is the founder of the Breastfeeding the Brave (not for profit) awareness campaign.
Articles by Lyndsey Hookway

Breastfeeding sick children in hospital: Exploring the experiences of mothers in UK paediatric wards
Published in Maternal and Child Nutrition, February 2023

Using art to raise awareness of breastfed children with medical complexity
Published in International Breastfeeding Journal, June 2022

The challenges of medically complex breastfed children and their families: A systematic review
Published in Maternal and Child Nutrition, May 2021

Breastfeeding the Critically Unwell Child: A Call to Action
Published in Clinical Lactation, June 2020

How to support your baby to sleep without stress
Published on All4Birth, May 2020

Breastfeeding medically complex babies and children
Published on All4Birth, May 2020

Growth spurts, cluster feeding, what’s it all about?
Published on All4Birth, May 2020

Sleep-training and babies: why ‘crying it out’ is best avoided
Published on The Conversation, November 2019

The Role of the Infant Feeding Specialist
Published on World Breastfeeding Trends Initiative, June 2018

Support for families after a prolonged admission to a neonatal intensive care unit
Published in Community Practitioner, November 2013
Book Feedback
Lyndsey Hookway’s Holistic Sleep Coaching is THE book parent-child health professionals have been waiting for regarding infants’, children’s, and parents’ sleep! The comprehensive content is comprised of an exhaustive review of the sleep literature, but it is written in a reader-friendly discussion format.ay to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.
Karen Kerkhoff-Gromada, MSN, RN, IBCLC, FILCA.
Author: Mothering Multiples: Breastfeeding and Caring for Twins or More
Finally, a sleep book that is truly evidence based and safe to use. No judgement here, no requirement to let your baby cry for nights on end, and also no need to spend weeks and weeks sleep training if you don’t want to. Simply a run down of the science, and a range of options you could try.
Lucy Ruddle, IBCLC
Author of Relactation: A Guide to Rebuilding Your Milk Supply
This book cuts through it all with evidence and research and information you can trust. Lyndsey Hookway not only knows her stuff but she can communicate in a way that is easy to understand and interesting. She joins the dots and explains things in a brilliant readable style. I wish this book was the textbook for anyone who supports new parents.
Emma Pickett, IBCLC
Author of You’ve Got it in You, and The Breast Book
I would definitely recommend this book as a MUST for new parents before their baby arrives, as well as an integral resource for all perinatal professionals!
Laurel Wilson, IBCLC, RLC, CLE, CLD, CCCE
Co-Author of The Attachment Pregnancy and The Greatest Pregnancy Ever
I’d like to think I knew lots about infant sleep but this book has not only been an enjoyable read but also really updated and expanded my knowledge around how infant sleep works, what helps and what doesn’t. It is easy to read but comfortingly scientific with lots of research to back up the information given. A great choice for understanding more about infant sleep.
Amy Brown
Professor of Child Public Health, Swansea University, and Author of Breastfeeding Uncovered, Why Starting Solids Matters, The Positive Breastfeeding Book, and Informed is Best