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Is my baby getting enough sleep?

It’s pretty common for this to be one of the first questions parents ask me. Most of the parents I have the pleasure of working with are pretty selfless and sacrificial. But any parent who wants the best for their child may get concerned from time to time about whether their child’s needs are being met. This goes for sleep too.

“I’m worried my baby isn’t getting enough sleep for their development”

“Is my baby sleeping enough to be able to learn and grow?”

“I’ve heard that sleep on the move doesn’t ‘count’…”

“My baby seems to nurse through the entire length of her nap – does this count as sleep?”

I can assure you that in the vast majority of cases, I can probably reassure you immediately. But let’s dig into these questions a little and try to unpack them.

Sleep and development

Many parents are concerned that if their baby does not get the amount of sleep that charts and books say is average or normal, that they will come to harm. They know that children grow during sleep, and have become concerned. For some parents, their baby’s sleep doesn’t even bother them, but they worry that they are damaging their baby by not helping them to sleep more, or ‘better’. Ok – so this is actually the easiest myth to bust!

What about learning and behaviour problems?

Usually next on someone’s sleep hit list is the concern that if children don’t sleep enough that they will perform poorly in school, not achieve the results they could have done, and generally not fulfil their academic potential. Some people worry that children will have behavioural problems or social conduct issues. This issue is a little murkier, but let’s dive in…

What about naps on the move?

This is a more complex issue I think. It may stem from the fact that as adults, we often prefer to sleep in a bed. When was the last time you slept well on a plane? In a car? On a sofa? Yep – me neither. But does it follow that this applies to babies? We have strapped babies to our backs and got on with our daily chores for thousands of years. It doesn’t sound sensible to me. Here are some thoughts though:

What about nap nursing?

I’ve left the trickiest subject till last! Nap nursing is as old as time, but there are many potential issues to explore with this. I don’t know where you’re at with this: whether you find this annoying, or whether you’re simply worried from your baby’s point of view, but I’ll try to cover the most common concerns.

What if my baby really struggles with sleep, and gets significantly less than recommended?

Some babies really are having a hard time. I’m not going to patronize you and gloss over this. If this is your issue, then it’s worth exploring what the underlying problem is. Is your baby uncomfortable? Do they have an unresolved feeding or health problem? Often, sorting out whatever is making your little one wake up frequently will have a dramatic impact on their sleep, without even touching the sleep. Can you work on sleep very gradually? Addressing it step by step can be much more achievable than trying to sort it out all in one go. See my earlier blog on this subject.

But what about me?

The final issue is whether any of this is becoming unsustainable. That’s a whole separate discussion. Hopefully you can now relax and know that your baby is sleeping ok, but maybe you feel terrible? Perhaps this is becoming unsustainable. Have you first made sure you’re looking after your own emotional and mental health? How’s your self-care? Do you have enough support – or is it an option to get more support? If you’re having a really hard time, then check out my earlier blog on sleep crisis. I’ll leave you with the idea that no way is your baby going to suffer in any way if you are practicing normal, loving, responsive parenting. It just doesn’t make sense. If, however, you are finding things tough, then first see what you can make easier for yourself. Then address underlying causes. Finally, see if some small changes to your little one’s sleep give you back the much needed balance you need.

Lyndsey Hookway is a paediatric nurse, health visitor, IBCLC, holistic sleep coach, PhD researcher, international speaker and author of 3 books. Lyndsey is also the Co-founder and Clinical Director of the Holistic Sleep Coaching Program, co-founder of the Thought Rebellion, and founder of the Breastfeeding the Brave project. Check Lyndsey’s speaker bio and talk brochure, as well as book her to speak at your event by visiting this page. All Lyndsey’s books, digital guides, courses and webinars can be purchased here, and you can also sign up for her free monthly newsletter here.

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